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=<u><span style="color: #ff0000; display: block; text-align: center;">Test page (successfuly created a page - cut and pasted into a different wiki)</span></u>See if I can do some creation in one wiki and transfer it to another.=
===<span style="color: #bd0f0f;"><u>type away</u></span>===
The wiki editing examples on this page do not necessarily apply to the current wiki environment which hosts this site. This page has been preserved here because it was a component of the original Drakeapedia courses.
=Original Contents of This Page=
<span style="font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 150%;">Video examples for buildings </span>
<span style="font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 150%;">27th and University - see where Science Hall 'was' </span>[[:File:27th and University.AVI]]
<span style="font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 150%;">28th and University </span>[[:File:28th and University.AVI]]
<span style="color: #0500ff; font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 150%;">Cowles Library - Tier 4 </span>[[:File:Tier 4.AVI]]
'''enter majority of all text first and then adjusting the style/format. Additional information is found here:[[:File:WikiSpaces Editing Tool Explanations.doc]]'''
<span style="color: #ff0000;">Video from 9/9/10 class [[:File:Activity time.AVI]]</span>
<span style="color: #ff0000;">NOTE: On macs, students may want to download and install this add to quicktime if they need it to view avi files </span>[[http://perian.org/]]
'''Inserting pictures'''
<u>'''Inserting logos'''</u>
[[image:http://www.drake.edu/library/pic.gif width="641" height="125"]]
[[image:http://www.drake.edu/library/pic.gif width="641" height="125"]]
<span style="display: block; font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 130%; text-align: left;">trying SLIDESHOW widget</span>
<span style="display: block; font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 130%; text-align: left;">Insert slideshow widget</span>
[[media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"]]
[[media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"]]
Line 13: Line 30:
<u>'''Inserting music as a file'''</u>:
[[media type="file" key="Never_Been_To_Spain.mp3" width="240" height="20"]]
===<span style="color: #e70808;"><u>one after the other</u></span>===
=<span style="color: #ff0000; display: block; text-align: center;">[[media type="youtube" key="A0ZpuA8_YYk" height="228" width="288" align="left"]]</span>=
<span style="color: #000000; display: block;">Inserting video:</span>
[[media type="youtube" key="A0ZpuA8_YYk" height="228" width="288" align="left"]]
[[media type="youtube" key="uJlZnPIzyLg" height="228" width="288" align="right"]]
[[media type="youtube" key="uJlZnPIzyLg" height="228" width="288" align="right"]]
Absolutely adorable videos...one the mom, the other the child's rebutal
Absolutely adorable videos...one the mom, the other the child's rebutal
<u>'''Inserting a PDF file'''</u>
[[media type="custom" key="6663297" width="130" height="130" align="center"]]
Line 28: Line 57:
<u>'''Inserting maps'''</u>
|[[media type="googlemap" key="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+1904&sll=41.748688,-93.61426&sspn=0.011382,0.027251&g=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+4&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2304+Ashton+Ln+%231904,+Ankeny,+Polk,+Iowa+50023&ll=41.748688,-93.61426&spn=0.000715,0.001703&t=h&z=14&output=embed" width="425" height="350"]]
===<span style="color: #0017ff;">''blkj''</span>===
Video created with library equipment: [[:File:Video of house.AVI]]
# bljksdlkbj
[[http:''drakepedia.drake.wikispaces.net/file/view/Video%20of%20house.AVI|Video of house.AVI]] <span style="color: #ff0000;">NOTE: On macs, students may want to download and install this add to quicktime if they need it to view avi files:[[http:''perian.org/]]</span>
# sblkjlsdkfj
# blkjdglkj
# bsdlgkjjlk
[[media type="custom" key="6663281"]]
=list of sometihng=
1. dsdfsd
* d
''' dfdfdfd
''' dfdfd
''' dfdfd
2. fldksjfsd
Video of the office [[:File:office.AVI]]
''' dfdfd
''' dfdfd
''' dfdfd
''' dfdfd
[[media type="custom" key="6644287"]]
||  ||

Latest revision as of 19:30, 5 June 2018


The wiki editing examples on this page do not necessarily apply to the current wiki environment which hosts this site. This page has been preserved here because it was a component of the original Drakeapedia courses.

Original Contents of This Page

Video examples for buildings 27th and University - see where Science Hall 'was' File:27th and University.AVI

28th and University File:28th and University.AVI

Cowles Library - Tier 4 File:Tier 4.AVI enter majority of all text first and then adjusting the style/format. Additional information is found here:File:WikiSpaces Editing Tool Explanations.doc

Video from 9/9/10 class File:Activity time.AVI NOTE: On macs, students may want to download and install this add to quicktime if they need it to view avi files [[1]]

Inserting pictures Tulips.jpgPenguins.jpg

Inserting logos File:Http://www.drake.edu/library/pic.gif width="641" height="125"

Insert slideshow widget media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"

Inserting music as a file: media type="file" key="Never_Been_To_Spain.mp3" width="240" height="20"

Inserting video: media type="youtube" key="A0ZpuA8_YYk" height="228" width="288" align="left" media type="youtube" key="uJlZnPIzyLg" height="228" width="288" align="right"

Absolutely adorable videos...one the mom, the other the child's rebutal

Inserting a PDF file [[:File:Developing-Skills080111151714[1].pdf]] media type="custom" key="6663297" width="130" height="130" align="center"

Inserting maps

media type="googlemap" key="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+1904&sll=41.748688,-93.61426&sspn=0.011382,0.027251&g=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+4&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2304+Ashton+Ln+#1904,+Ankeny,+Polk,+Iowa+50023&ll=41.748688,-93.61426&spn=0.000715,0.001703&t=h&z=14&output=embed" width="425" height="350"

Video created with library equipment: File:Video of house.AVI Video of house.AVI NOTE: On macs, students may want to download and install this add to quicktime if they need it to view avi files:http:''perian.org/

Video of the office File:office.AVI