Difference between revisions of "2010 Drakeapedia Class Examples Page"

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'''ting majority of all text first and then adjusting the style/format. Additional information is found here:[[:File:WikiSpaces Editing Tool Explanations.doc]]'''
'''ting majority of all text first and then adjusting the style/format. Additional information is found here:[[:File:WikiSpaces Editing Tool Explanations.doc]]'''
<span style="color: #ff0000;">Video from 9/9/10 class [[:File:Activity time.AVI]]</span>
'''Inserting pictures'''
'''Inserting pictures'''
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<span style="display: block; font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 130%; text-align: left;">Insert slideshow widget</span>
<span style="display: block; font-family: 'Arial Black',Gadget,sans-serif; font-size: 130%; text-align: left;">Insert slideshow widget</span>
[[media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"]]
[[media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"]]
Line 38: Line 40:
[[media type="custom" key="6663297" width="130" height="130" align="center"]]
[[media type="custom" key="6663297" width="130" height="130" align="center"]]

Revision as of 20:14, 9 September 2010

ting majority of all text first and then adjusting the style/format. Additional information is found here:File:WikiSpaces Editing Tool Explanations.doc

Video from 9/9/10 class File:Activity time.AVI

Inserting pictures Tulips.jpgPenguins.jpg

Inserting logos File:Http://www.drake.edu/library/pic.gif width="641" height="125"

Insert slideshow widget media type="flickr" key="40015061@N04" ARG0="&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" width="350" height="350" align="center"

Inserting music as a file: media type="file" key="Never_Been_To_Spain.mp3" width="240" height="20"

Inserting video: media type="youtube" key="A0ZpuA8_YYk" height="228" width="288" align="left" media type="youtube" key="uJlZnPIzyLg" height="228" width="288" align="right"

Absolutely adorable videos...one the mom, the other the child's rebutal

Inserting a PDF file [[:File:Developing-Skills080111151714[1].pdf]] media type="custom" key="6663297" width="130" height="130" align="center"

Inserting maps

media type="googlemap" key="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+1904&sll=41.748688,-93.61426&sspn=0.011382,0.027251&g=2304+Northwest+Ashton+Lane+unit+4&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2304+Ashton+Ln+#1904,+Ankeny,+Polk,+Iowa+50023&ll=41.748688,-93.61426&spn=0.000715,0.001703&t=h&z=14&output=embed" width="425" height="350"

Video created with library equipment: File:Video of house.AVI Video of house.AVI NOTE: On macs, students may want to download and install this add to quicktime if they need it to view avi files:http:''perian.org/

Video of the office File:office.AVI