Science Hall
Science Hall (built 1893, razed 1949)
Originally submitted by: Erica Skuta, Drake University, Nov 3, 2010
Origin of the Building:
Science Hall was constructed in 1893. It was located on University Ave, where the old trolley route used to run. Science Hall was one of the two original buildings that made up University], the other being Old Main. The building was known as Science Hall from its construction but was renamed Sage Hall in 1913. Numerous renovations were made during its existence to accommodate the multiple courses that were taught in its confines. The purpose of Science Hall was to facilitate science laboratories, such as: chemical, zoological, bacteriological, histological, and physiological. It also served as an observatory in the early years of its existence. In 1949, the building was razed due to the completion of Harvey Ingham Hall of Science and [[bryngelsonn:Fitch Hall of Pharmacy Fitch Hall of Pharmacy].