2011 Drakeapedia Class AdmittedStudents2011

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Welcome to the 2011 Admitted Students Days - Drakeapedia Class session

#Drakeapedia is a wiki page about Drake University, developed by Drake students for the Drake community. The page was created by the First Year Seminar Class in the Fall of 2010. Their course, FYS022 - Drakepedia* - Building a Living Archive, was designed so the students would learn more about Drake history through the use of the library's special collections and resources, creating and using wiki technology and capturing history by conducting oral histories.Drakeapedia is a wiki page about Drake University, developed by Drake students for the Drake community. Their course was designed so the students would learn more about Drake history through the use of the library's special collections and resources, creating and using wiki technology and capturing history by conducting oral histories.

Today you will explore a few Drake specific resources -