Thomas Westbrook

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Thomas Westbrook, Professor of Education (Leadership and Adult Development) at Drake University, had always had his sights set on teaching. After graduating High School, Tom attended a college in Tennessee with a major in mathematics in the hopes of teaching in the future. While at college, he was involved in many on campus organizations ranging from chorus to student senate. He then went on to graduate school at Southern Illinois University for higher ed student personnel administration where he met his wife. He and his wife received jobs at Simpson college where they then came to Drake University.

Westbrook started working for the University in January of 1989 and has been working there for almost 22 years now. As a professor of education, Tom teaches in many different areas such as adult learning, distance education, leadership, and training and development and is a coordinator of the graduate degree program in Adult Learning and Organizational Performance. He has been known to travel and present to colleges and other organizations on this topic.

He has also received his PhD in Leadership and Adult Development from the University of Iowa.