Drake Fieldhouse

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Drake Fieldhouse

Originally submitted by A.J. Erb, December 16, 2011, Drake University

Drake Fieldhouse

On the corner of Forest Avenue and 27th Street stands a building made of brick. Erected in 1926, the Drake Fieldhouse was an attachment to Drake Stadium, which housed the famous Drake relays, and became the center for sports activity. It plays host to multiple athletic teams on campus, ROTC training, and other events. Drake Fieldhouse has played a key role in Drake athletics. It was home to many teams and is still used by athletic teams. Much has changed since its beginning in 1926, but still tells the history of Drake University.

A year after the Drake Fieldhouse was built, it played host to the Drake Bulldogs Men's basketball team. For years the Bulldogs flew back and forth on the court and mesmerized the roaring crowds. From 1927-1987, Drake basketball experienced the prime of the program. The Drake Fieldhouse saw Drake teams that made it to the NCAA Basketball Final Four and teams that won conference championships. Players, such as Johnny Bright, grew from average freshmen to Drake hall-of-famers on the field house court. The last men's basketball game to be played there was on February 28, 1987 leading to the end of an era in Drake athletics history

(Fielder, 2010

Aside the court lays an indoor track. This track, 1/12th of a mile, is smaller in size to the quarter mile track featured within Drake Stadium. The track is elevated at the north and south ends of the track to give momentum to runs. Today the track is rarely used, but the shot put, triple jump, and pole vault pits are still used today. These pits are used for practice by the Drake track and field team. These practice facilities play a crucial role in the Drake track and field teams' preparation for the infamous Drake Relays.

Current day, the field house is still made of the brick it was originally built with and still connects to the historic Drake Stadium. The field house has undergone renovations as necessary, such as a new roof over the east side stands due to a cave in.The locker rooms have undergone renovations as well. In order to stay current, the lockers have been updated for player quality, the showers resurfaced and re-piped, and carpeted instead of cold concrete. The Drake Fieldhouse as houses the track, soccer and football locker rooms. These locker rooms play essential roles in the success of these athletic teams. Each locker room features laundry room and laundry lockers, showers and the locker spaces. The athletes spend a large portion of their time in these locker rooms and many successful teams have passed through the Drake Fieldhouse locker rooms. The Warren Gaer room still stands in the old coach's memory. It is no longer a trophy room as previously used, but now a meeting room for the Drake Bulldog Football team. The entire upper level of the field house features athletic offices. Sports such as football, soccer, track and eligibility house offices in the Drake Fieldhouse.

  1. Fielder, M. (2010, December 02). Fieldhouse to receive makeover. Retrieved from
  2. Facilities (n.d.). Retrieved from http:www.bulldogsoccercamps.com/index.cfm?page=4
  3. Bulldogs win 20-17. (2008, October 25). Retrieved from http://sportsfanengy.blogspot.com/2008_10_01_archive.html