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Originally Submitted by: Aaron Keith, Drake University, December 16, 2010.

What is Hubbelling?

With the heart of winter approaching Drake students are preparing themselves for the snowfall. At Drake University snow is very important to students for one main reason; "Hubbelling." Hubbelling is a term used for sledding down the Quad dormitory hills using only a "borrowed" food tray from Hubbell Dining Hall, which is where the term originates from. This tradition at Drake has been around for decades, not usually gaining as much recognition as the Street Painting or the Kissing Rock. Yet, the tradition has had no signs of dying out; until just recently, when Hubbell Dining Hall underwent renovation and got rid of their infamous serving trays. The trays were replaced with metal-woven baskets and the students at Drake let the dining hall feel their anger by stealing dozens of the brand new baskets. The dilemma made the front page of the October 25th, 2010 issue [1] of the University's newspaper, The Times-Delphic [2]. The Drake community will not let the absence of trays end the tradition. [1]

"Drinking Helps. Before, during and after." - Anonymous Drake Student [3]

Hubbelling - The Quax 1984

History of Hubbelling

In the past, the students that were not lucky enough to have a dining tray handy have used miscellaneous items to use as a sled, ranging from cardboard box pieces to trash bags and even their bare bellies. A lack of snow has also never stopped the students at Drake from having a good time. In the past students have relied on rain to propel them down the muddy quad hills. Hubbelling has evolved over the years of its existence. In the 1980's alcohol was added to increase the social aspect of the sport and to also dull the pain one suffers when crashing into the rocks at the creek's edge below. The alcohol portion has since vanished, yet the fun and enjoyment of hubbelling remains intact [3].

"My sophomore year another Californian and I were wanting a study break. It had snowed recently and it was close to midterms, the campus was unusually desolate. I remember my lack of excitement at my friend's suggestion of going "Hubbelling" down "Hubbell Hill" by the quads. I went reluctantly. I don't believe I've ever had so much fun here at Drake. The exhilaration as we slid up and down those hills just screaming away, with not another soul in sight, was unimaginable. About thirty minutes later we quit, and revved up to do some more studying. That's one experience I'll never forget. To have so much fun doing so little." - Lynelle Dynes [4]


Hubbelling takes place on the north side of Hubbell Dining Hall. Hubbell Hill lies almost directly in between three of the Quad dormitories. Using the map on the left as a guide: Herriott Hall is on the right, Carpenter is top center, and Crawford is located on the left [6].

Speaking of ways to relax during finals - "I stand up on the tables and dance...seriously! And in the winter I went 'Hubbelling:' sliding down the Quad hills on a Hubbell tray. It worked wonders." - Chris Kamrath [5]

Hubbell.Tray.jpg Hubbell.dorm.png

