The Times Delphic

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The Times Delphic (1884-present)

Originally submitted by Grace Jones, Drake University, November 30, 2010

The Times Delphic is a semi-weekly student run newspaper published during the academic year at Drake University. The newspaper has one faculty advisor and is produced by undergraduate students.


The Times Delphic began in November 1884 under the name "The Delphic." It was published with the slogan "Literature is the highest of arts." The original newspaper was a literary journal rather than an actual news filled paper. This journal included a "local and personal" column that kept track of who was sick and who was going home for the weekend. The 1893 edition was "similar to the premier edition with its lack of in depth news and abundance of personal chit chat." On September 19, 1914 the Drake Daily Delphic was published. In 1924, it was shortened to the Drake Delphic; this edition was delivered on Thursday mornings after chapel. The Drake Times Delphic was published in 1934. It won "Best College Newspaper in Iowa" from the Iowa College Press Association that year. The paper was published under its current name, The Times Delphic, in 1944. Students felt it was necessary to have a news source about the war. Their mission was "to interpret the news in these troubled and history making times...reporting college life here honestly, interpreting however imperfectly that life to you, and translating as best we can, significant current trends into Drake terms." In 1954, the name was changed back to the Drake Times-Delphic. By 1965, The Times Delphic was being published under its current name. However, they again went back to the Drake Times-Delphic during the 1970's before switching to it's current name The Times Delphic.[1]

Previous names of the Times Delphic

  • The Delphic: 1884
  • Drake Daily Delphic: 1914
  • Drake Delphic: 1924
  • Des Moines Times and Delphic-approx.: 1930
  • Drake Times-Delphic: 1932
  • The Times Delphic: 1944
  • Drake Times-Delphic: 1954; 1970's
  • The Times Delphic: 1964


The current day Times Delphic is published twice a week and is run by fifteen student editors, one faculty advisor, and numerous writers and photographers. According to current editor-in-chief Lizzie Pine, the staff works "about twenty five hours a week." However, during Drake Relays the staff works "over seventy hours a week," publishing a sixty four page Relays issue on top of the two weekly issues. Recently, The Times Delphic developed it's website into a more informative space. The staff works with "video, slideshows and [many] more multimedia things online than [they] ever did before." Also, the staff puts breaking news online as fast as they can to ensure the site is completely up to date.[2]

Students can search old issues of the Times Delphic on the Drake library's web page. Students can stay connected to The Times Delphic through Twitter and Facebook.

Works Cited

  • 1. Lehrer, Janine. Drake Times-Delphic, April 26, 1979. page 9.
  • 2. Lizzie Pine, interview.